To Our Valued Stakeholders

On Behalf of the AWARE-NS Board of Directors

Susan DempseyThe Board of Directors would like you to join in welcoming Susan Dempsey, into the role of interim Executive Director commencing February 3, 2014. Over the next six months, she will share her passion and commitment to health and safety with the AWARE-NS team.
Susan comes to AWARE-NS from one of our valued stakeholders, Northwood, where she currently holds the position of Senior Director Retirement Living & Commercial Services. In role with AWARE-NS she will assist in implementing the review recommendations and developing a strategic plan for the future using her knowledge of health and safety issues and system needs. She looks forward to developing collaborative partnerships and positive outcomes with our stakeholders while engaging the staff by creating a coaching culture and providing support.

continuous_improvement_iconBy: Millie Colbourne, Vice Chair, AWARE-NS
Over the past few months the Board of Directors of AWARE-NS has been engaged in a review of our organization and its role in serving the needs of the Health and Community Services Sector in Nova Scotia. The Board would like to thank all those who participated in our stakeholder review, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
As a result of the organizational review and stakeholder’s input, AWARE-NS will be undergoing some changes. Over the next six months, we will be:
1. Transitioning to a new service model, shifting to a front-line focus which reflects the needs of our stakeholders
2. Fine tuning our sector focus, specific to health and safety issues faced by home care/home support, long term care and residential care workers.
3. Changing the Governance Model of the Board of Directors.
These changes are part of the natural evolution of a stakeholder-driven organization like AWARE-NS as it builds on its accomplishments to date and continually adjusts to the needs of those it serves. As our plans develop and we have greater detail, we will keep you informed. We look forward to continuing to work with you to address the health and safety needs of this sector.
Just as organizations review their priorities from time to time, so do the people that lead them. Our current – and founding – CEO, Mary-Lou MacDonald has made the decision that the time is now right to move on and make way for someone else to guide the organization through its transition and on to the next phase of its development. Mary-Lou departs after nearly five years of establishing our foundation, building strong strategic relationships, bringing partners and stakeholders together around our shared agenda for change, and building important capacity within the organization. Mary-Lou was an instrumental leader in the development of AWARE-NS and we thank her for her tremendous efforts.
Any questions you may have about the new course we have set for the organization should be directed to the Chair of the Board of Directors of AWARE-NS, Kathy MacNeil.
Millie Colbourne
Vice- Chair, AWARE-NS