We now recognize that mental health issues affect at least one in five Canadians. This estimate includes individuals in the paid workforce and we also recognize the significant personal and organizational costs that are attributable to mental health issues. As a result of public awareness campaigns many organizations have implement mental health strategies that are, for the most part, focused on raising awareness of mental health issues. It is now clear that a more comprehensive and effective approach requires organizational responses aimed at [a] prevention (e.g., stress reduction), [b] intervention (e.g., providing assistance) and [c] accommodation (e.g., helping individuals through crisis). It is equally clear that organizational leaders play a key role in each of these initiatives.

You will learn:

– the three main constituents of workplace mental health programming (prevention, intervention, accommodation)

– the role of leaders in each of these three areas

– effective leadership strategies to assist employees through prevention, intervention and accommodation

Take-home messages:

– It is absolutely clear that mental health issues are management issues

– Mental issues manifest in the workplace and need to be recognized and dealt with

Webinar Date/Time: Tue, Feb 18, 2020 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM AST

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