For a listing of the events and activities around NAOSH week click here
Author: darcy
Click on the link below to view the promo for the conference coming up in a few weeks. There is a focus on Health & Wellness this year with topics such as Workplace Violence that AWARE-NS is presenting as well as mental health first aid, post traumatic stress disorder, stress, etc. Newly added to the program is the Opening Speaker who will be Halifax Police Chief Blais that has a personal story to tell with regard to PTSD. There is a one day rate available as well which may be of interest to those that cannot attend the two days.
Conference Keynote Promo
For More information on the conference click here
Presented by Breton Ability Centre
Join Breton Ability Centre for keynote presentations and workshops presented by world-renowned speakers and authors, Teepa Snow and Andrew McDonnell.
Click on the link below for more information
Please click on the link below for information regarding the Healthcare Blitz
Health Care Handout_web
Have you ever given thought to name ‘Safety’ as a Value, a Strategic Direction, a Goal or part of your Mission?
Many organizations talk about valuing safety, but only the best have a well-defined safety strategy. What are the key ingredients of an effective safety strategy?
Regardless of the business focus, a strategy is a framework of choices and plans to deliver value and be successful. To create a comprehensive safety strategy, several key elements are necessary…
Featured article on workplace safety
click here