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Additional Employer Consultations

OEA has been engaging employers over the past few months in discussion about the WCB’s draft policies regarding Psychological Injury and Contactor/Subcontractor. For Employers who were unable to attend, there will be a new session scheduled. See below for details.for the upcoming consultations being held in September:

Thursday, Sept 19 2013

Employer Consultation re: WCB’s draft policy regarding Psychological Injury
Canada Post, 6135 Almon Street Confederation Boardroom, Halifax
10 am-12 noon

To Register Fill Out Registration Form

Recently, two draft policies were released by WCB NS and employers are asked to comment on them. The due dates for both policies have now been extended to October 31, 2013.
Psychological Injury – Workplace Stress – submissions now due on October 31.
Contractor/Subcontractor – submissions now due on October 31.
Information about both drafts can be found on our website at
“Employer Consultations on Both WCB Draft Policies!”
Please see our website as a tentative schedule for further employer consultations is now available!
“Writing Sessions for Responses to WCB Draft Policies”
OEA will offer writing development sessions in September for company’s working on responses to the two WCB draft policies. See our website or call our office for more details. There is no charge to attend. Bring your laptop!
OEA Mail, Delivery and Courier Information
833 Sackville Drive, Suite 5
Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4E 1S1
Phone: 902.442.9366
Fax: 902.252-3466
For more events and information about OEA, visit our website at