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Public Health Agency Consultation Invitation

invitedAs part of the development of the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA) program and regulatory framework, the Public Health Agency of Canada is conducting research and analysis to identify areas of potential overlap and duplication with existing provincial and territorial (P/T) programs, including workplace health and safety and the accreditation of medical and diagnostic laboratories.

This information will allow the Agency to identify areas where there may be opportunities to collaborate with P/Ts to support the full implementation of the HPTA. This consultation will provide OHS regulators and professionals with an overview of the Agency’s preliminary research findings as a starting point for Federal/Provincial/Territorial dialogue.

The consultation will take place Wednesday, March 20, 2:30-3:45pm at the Seaport Room in the Westin Nova Scotian hotel in Halifax. The consultation is NOT part of the regular program for Safety Services NS 31st Annual HSE Conference and Safety Showcase (March 20-21, 2013).

You’re invited to participate in this consultation (limit 2 persons per organization).

Please RSVP to Cheryllynn Walsh, Safety Services Nova Scotia, by Friday, March 8. 902-454-9621, x233 or [email protected]

Admission (for this event only) is a badge which can be picked up at the conference registration desk, just above the Westin Lobby floor, on Wednesday, March 20. Conference staff will provide directions to the consultation room.

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