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Campus Promotion: Trial An eCourse – On Us!

AWARE-NS is pleased to offer its valued partners and stakeholders a onetime pre-paid offer to trial one selection from the six most popular courses available on our E-Campus.
Please note that course pins and passwords will be distributed on a first come first serve basis as there is a limit on availability.
The following six courses are included in the offering:

  1. Dementia
  2. Fire Safety
  3. Infection Control and Prevention Basics for Health Care Workers
  4. Joint OH&S Committee (NS specific)
  5. Staying Safe While Providing Community Based Care and Support in NS
  6. WHMIS Refresher

Your organization may select one course from the group of six courses listed and are limited to five pre- paid purchases. Course selections can be submitted between March 10th and 21st, 2014, by following the steps listed below:

Step 1: Make your course selection from the course list above.

Step 2: E-mail your request to [email protected]. Please provide the following:

  1. Organization name; telephone number and address
  2. Contact person’s name, email address and direct line if applicable (this individual will be responsible for the distribution of course pins and passwords within your organization and will be given an employer access code and passcode to facilitate this process.)

Step 3: AWARE-NS will facilitate the purchase of the number of courses requested and will distribute the required access pins and passwords to the identified contact.

Step 4: Identified contact within your organization distributes course pins and passwords to end users.

Please note that there will be no expiry date for the course pins but administrators may want designate completion dates for staff within their individual organizations.
For further information pertaining to this pre-paid trial please contact Morah at [email protected] or at 902-832-7441